Diversity of people, of influences, of cultures and traditions. Diversity of understanding, thinking
and finding solutions.
Our chance for the future.
Through the messages inbetween the songs, Beata and Patrick encourage us to combine the
diversity of knowledge and skills. The last outro should be understood as a starting signal to think about one’s own strenghts, to value the ability of others and to develop ideas together that can improve our lives in the future.
vinyl meets digital
Music is one medium of communication and a bridge for connecting people.
Since 1958 golden and platinum records are awarded to successful musicians. A tradition which is kept until today
in times of digital media.
This record represents a selection of various music genres – all created and performed by HdM students.
about HdM
The Hochschule der Medien covers all fields of media – from printing to the Internet, from design to business admini-
stration, from library science to advertising, from media content to packaging
technology, from computer science to information science to publishing and electronic media.
Approximately 30 accredited Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes reflect these contents and implement a holistic educational mission.

Thanks to
Beata Ruxton, Patrick Johnson, Sy Banes,
kopfundherz, Artire, MISCHA, The Junes, Autumn, Rezident, Into The Fray and duophonic GmbH for participating in my project.
Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Dusch and
Heiko Schulz for the support and implementation.
Clara Biermann – Integrated Product Design – 2019